Are You On the Right Career Path?


a woman and a man looking at a laptop

Unhappy at work? It might be that you aren’t satisfied at work, don’t like your job, or feel you could be doing more. It could be as simple as a change in interests or even just boredom. Whatever the reason you might be questioning your career path, in chasing your dream, listening to your heart, and exploring options, you’ll give yourself your best shot at being happier in your career. If you’re not sure where to go next with your career path or niche, read on for a few ideas.

Chasing Your Dreams


If you aren’t sure where to start with your career dreams, go back to the beginning. Think about the types of jobs you wanted when you were a kid. Take a career quiz. Be open-minded to what you come up with and you’ll already be in the right direction for a change that will not only fit better but also make a difference.

Maybe you started out on one career path, working for a small business, and we’re happy for a bit. But then, between changes in environment and technology, you found something you might be more interested in. Maybe you were working as a carrier for the United States post office but recently learned about driverless cars and have since been obsessed with one day buying Google’s car. For you, this obsession could translate into a job where you track accidents with Google’s autonomous vehicles. That is, it’s okay to change directions and chase new dreams as they come along. If being a test driver for a Google car in your local area is your new dream now, going for it is the best way to ensure your future happiness.

Chasing a new dream doesn’t mean your original career path was wrong or some big collision. The reality is that when you started your career, self-driving cars weren’t around. While you may have enjoyed your former job, making a switch for the first time a new venture is always a good option. A great way to start is by giving yourself permission to chase new dreams.

Making a Difference


If making a difference in the world matters to you, look at your current career path to determine whether or not your job allows you to do that. If you find yourself fixated on the prospects of finding employment in the auto industry helping people with accident reports or auto sales that will mean the right vehicle for them, pay attention. There are plenty of options in the automotive industry, whether it’s Nissan or Honda auto sales or working as a mechanic fixing the results of human errors.

Maybe you currently work alone and don’t feel like your job helps people. Changing directions and becoming a bus driver for elderly residents in assisted living might be more satisfying to you than your current line of work. If making a difference matters more now to you than it did before, it’s okay to make a right turn into a new career. Do a search for jobs where you’d be able to help people.

Following Your Heart


Maybe your heart’s always been in marketing. If your current career path doesn’t allow for clever marketing strategies for small businesses, it could be time to switch it up. There are countless jobs in marketing tactics, Google analytics, creating relevant content, and working with new marketing tools out there. A great place to start is in becoming a marketing freelancer. Even while keeping your current job, you could start a new business helping people write press releases, put out newsletters and flyers, and become a digital marketer with little more startup costs than new business cards.

Switching it Up


If you aren’t sure you’re on the right career path, the good news is that you’re not alone. In recent years, it’s become more and more popular for professional people to change directions. With the Covid-19 crisis, more and more people are rethinking their dreams and coming up with new ways to make an income. Whether your current career is in building customer referral programs, delivering high-quality content, or vehicle manufacturing, it’s important that you love what you do.

Take a look around your friends’ social media accounts and see what they’re up to. Whether making a big impact on the world, running professional organizations, or in charge of purchasing decisions, don’t be afraid to ask around. They may be able to give you ideas about potential clients, new products, or even how to start that podcast you always dreamed about. The best way to get ideas for your career path change is to network.

At the end of the day, only you can define your goals, dreams, and ideal career path. By being open-minded and taking the time to be sure you’re on the right track for yourself, you’ll get closer to overall career satisfaction. The happier you are in your career, the bigger impact you’ll make in the world, too.

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