How Established Cannabis Companies Differ From New Entrants


a person holding a flower

The Cannabis sativa plant originated in Asia and is also known as the hemp plant. Hemp plants produce a psychoactive drug, which is commonly known as marijuana. Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the active ingredients in hemp plants, and it is used to make several products, including nasal spray, capsules, candies, lotions, and tinctures.

Cannabis was legalized in the United States of America in 2018. The Agricultural Improvement Act legalized cannabis as long as it contains 0.3 percent or less of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and is acquired from hemp. Although cannabis was discovered in 1940, its status as an illegal substance prevented companies from developing cannabis products until this century. The CDB industry has produced new companies specializing in cannabidiol products, while established companies have adjusted their operations to include these products. Those searching for a reputable product supplier may find distinct differences between how established and new CBD companies operate.

What is the history of cannabis use in the United States?


Cannabis was discovered in 1940. The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 was a federal law that made marijuana and cannabis illegal in the United States. Although this law was struck down in 1969, in 1970, the Controlled Substances Act was passed. At the time, there were no accepted medical uses for cannabis, which was a factor used to classify cannabis as a Schedule 1 drug.

States started decriminalizing marijuana in 1973. In 1996, states began passing medical marijuana laws. Doctors could prescribe marijuana to help patients reduce their discomfort and enable them to manage insomnia and anxiety.

Due to changes in state laws, companies were able to begin producing CBD products in the 1990s. As of 2018, the U.S. CBD industry generated just over $500 million per year. In 2021, experts project the industry will generate more than $1.6 billion.

What services do cannabis companies provide?

Some CBD companies manufacture merchandise they sell to retailers. If you’re planning to start a business selling CBD products, you may be looking for a product developer.

CBD companies also sell products to customers. If you want to purchase products from a CBD company, you’ll want to locate a reputable CBD retailer.

CBD retailers may have a specific focus on their products. For example, Trust Biologic specializes in CBD health products. Trust Biologic sells capsules, creams, serums, and gels. They produce cruelty-free products that aren’t tested on animals. Trust Biologic products are safe for vegans and are also gluten-free. Their products are sold online exclusively.

Other competitors may opt to sell different CBD products, including gummies and nasal spray. While many retailers opt to sell merchandise online, retailers may also have stores in some states where individuals can purchase products.

How financially secure are established and new cannabis companies?

Established companies can generate revenue from existing products. A credible company may also be able to generate capital from investors. Companies that have been operating successfully for several years are more likely to continue operating.

New companies may face financial challenges. It can be challenging to generate the revenue needed to start a company. Companies with insufficient resources may struggle to meet the demand for their products or comply with regulations. If a company has financial challenges, they’re more likely to cease operations.

Older companies can have financial difficulties, however. If the company has legal issues, they may have difficulty securing capital or have suffered losses due to lawsuits’ financial settlements.

How does infrastructure affect established and new businesses?


Established businesses are more likely to have the infrastructure in place to fulfill client demands. Established businesses can also use existing equipment to offset the cost of upgrades.

Established companies may have machines with replaceable components, enabling them to reduce operational costs and maintain their equipment. For example, existing companies can replace parts on their existing oil filling machine instead of incurring a new oil filling machine. Companies that focus on low-viscosity oils may want to expand to work with high-viscosity oils. These companies can retain their existing low-viscosity oil filling machine and only need to purchase a new high-viscosity oil filling machine. Oil filling machines are used to produce vape juice, vape cartridges, and vape pens.

New companies may not offer as many products because they’re incurring the initial start-up costs of establishing their business and don’t have room in their budget. However, new companies can take advantage of the opportunity to purchase state-of-the-art equipment, enabling them to generate products or complete tasks more efficiently than established companies using older equipment. New companies can also choose an appropriate space to meet their operational needs. Working with a brand new space allows them to enjoy an easy setup process instead of renovating and altering their existing setup.

New companies may be more receptive to new technology, such as interactive voice response (IVR) software. IVR software allows callers to use voice input to navigate options. The IVR phone system will ensure they’re connected with the system or customer service representative who can address their needs and provide a better customer experience. For example, a customer placing a standard order may select options verbally and provide payment information through automated systems. A customer who has a complaint or wants to order a customized product may need to talk to appropriate customer service professionals. IVR software can minimize the amount of time it takes to address caller needs.

Although having an established infrastructure has advantages, established businesses will need to pay for upgrades as equipment and business practices evolve. This process may disrupt companies that need to expand or renovate their facilities. Older buildings are more likely to have faulty wiring, rodents, and plumbing issues, affecting product quality and operating costs.

How can you determine if a company has a good reputation?

Established companies have an established reputation. You can investigate the history of the company and determine if they’ve had legal issues. There’s a greater chance that the company will have user reviews available online or appropriate news coverage.

It can be more challenging to determine if a new company is complying with regulations and producing quality products because there may not be many user reviews available. A company’s history with legal issues may indicate it could be susceptible to legal action. Still, there may be no way to know if a new company has legal or operational issues that could affect their products or service.

Established companies typically have an existing revenue stream, which can provide financial security. However, outdated infrastructure, legal issues, and a low reputation can affect a company’s financial health and cause it to shut down. It can be more challenging for new consumers to determine if a new company has potential legal issues or quality products because of the lack of consumer feedback. It may be more challenging for new companies to compete if they lack financial resources. However, new companies may be more innovative. They may benefit from initiating operations with the most sophisticated technology available, enabling them to produce superior products at lower costs and provide exceptional customer experiences that set them apart from their competitors.

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