Pros and Cons of Hosting a Company Holiday Party


a christmas tree with a man and woman in the background

The office Christmas party. Just the words are enough to make some employees cheer, but most groan and moan about not wanting to go, and then gossip about the things that go on there. From a business perspective, there are quite a few reasons to have the annual office Christmas party, but there are just as many reasons that it’s a bad idea. No matter who the person is that puts the lampshade on their head and climbs up on their desk to dance after having one too many of Melvin in accountings tequila shooters, they’re going to be talked about come Monday morning, around the water cooler.

Whether it’s the wine, the liquor, or just the ability to let down their hair, the office Christmas party can be fun, until it isn’t. So, where does that leave you from a business perspective this upcoming holiday season? You could always just send out a business Christmas card, wish everyone a Merry Christmas, and call it done. But what’s the fun in that? If you’re on the fence, then read on below for a few of the pros and cons of keeping your corporate holiday cards and throwing your employees a party instead, complete with wine, vodka, and tequila from the local liquor store.

Parties give employees the chance to connect.


Research has shown that employee engagement is better if the employees get together every now and then. Whether it’s at the company picnic on July fourth or the company Christmas party in December. Team building and team bonding have become a big thing in recent years, so a party is a perfect time to do just that. When you give out the company Christmas cards, do it at the party so it’ll mean more to your employees and that should help them connect with you as well. Don’t just slap your company logo on the card and be done with it. Have Christmas cards custom-made with your employee’s names and even their photos if you can get ahold of them. Give them ornaments with the company name and some holiday greetings. It’ll mean a lot to your employees, help them connect with one another, and show that you care.

Parties show employees the company’s health.


Christmas parties, the Christmas cards, and the presents you give are an indication to your employees of the health of your company. If the business is booming and your company is stable, you’re more likely to host a Christmas party. Some companies actually host elegant parties where the food and drink are free and employees can raise a glass of wine or bourbon to the company name, while others pay for a night out. The point is that employees often judge the health of the company by how the Christmas party goes. Not throwing one can make your employees uncomfortable and worried about the new year ahead.

Too much alcohol can be a liability.


While some alcohol can make the office party merry and bright, for some who don’t drink their alcoholic beverages responsibly, the party can become a liability to them, their family, and your business. Some may even engage in behavior that isn’t appropriate for the workplace, which could lead to problems for them and you. Coworkers need to remain professional, even while celebrating a milestone like the end of the year.

The risk of Covid-19 spreading.


This year during the holiday season, there is also the ever-increasing risk that your employees could catch or spread the Covid-19 virus. You need to take all precautions if you do decide to go ahead with your annual office party, just to be on the safe side.

These are just a few of the pros and cons of Christmas office parties. With Covid-19 restrictions, you need to look long and hard at whether it’s worth it or not. The choice is yours, so think things through and have a Merry Christmas!

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