Tips for Saving Money in Your Home


a blue bin full of clothes

The Coronavirus pandemic has thrown everyone in the world for a loop, and everyone is looking for clever ways to make their money stretch and to save money around the house. Saving money in your home through energy-efficient appliances, such as a new dishwasher, microwave, stove, and toaster oven, can work wonders for your electric bill and use less energy.

However, most homeowners already know how to save money in their homes in these energy-efficient ways. If you’re looking for other ways to save money in your home, keep on reading for a few tips to help you accomplish your goal.

Install a water heater timer.


When you purchased your new home, you used an online calculator through your lender to calculate mortgage repayment costs and to see what your interest rates and monthly payment would be. You even went into great detail with your lender about making extra payments to pay down the loan and the amount of time the loan term would be. Now, that you’re in the home, and Covid-19 has hit, you should use a water heater timer to save a few cents to add to those extra payments on your mortgage.

This timer gives you the ability to set the timer on the water heater to activate and deactivate when you want it to. For example, in one 24 hour period, you can set it to activate twice, three times, or more to heat up your water and have it ready to go for baths, showers, and even running the dishwasher. This saves you money and is better for the environment as well.

Take better care of your fridge.


You can use energy more efficiently in your kitchen if you take better care of your fridge and freezer. This means keeping the fridge organized, clean, and not stuffed with items and food. It’s also a good idea to clean the coils on the back of the fridge, as it will help your unit to last longer and reduces your energy bills, therefore saving you money.

The same is true for your stove, burners, and oven. If you keep your oven door closed during baking, instead of opening it constantly to look inside, your food will get done faster, saving you energy, and money at the same time.

Get your submetering system inspected.


If you have a submetering system, then you already know that it needs to be inspected and kept up to par in order to be the most energy-efficient and to ensure it’s working the proper way. If you don’t have a submetering system on your property, contact companies like Flow Rite to take care of that for you right away. Whether it’s an electric submeter or a water submeter, Flow-Rite can help you save money and become eco-friendly and energy-efficient at the same time.

Make your own household cleaners.


With everyone becoming more eco-friendly, more conscious of what chemicals they are exposing their families too, and trying to save a few pennies every month, homemade household cleaners have become extremely popular. From homemade glass cleaners to make your own disinfectant wipes to DIY brass cleaner to air fresheners, you can be sure that you’ll save quite a bit since cleaning products that you purchase in the stores are expensive and full of chemicals and toxins you really don’t want around your family.

These are just a few tips for saving money in your home during these trying and uncertain times. 2021 is right around the corner and hopefully will be a better year than 2020 turned out to be, so keep your chin up, keeping saving your pennies, and you and your family will be fine.

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